Title: Scientific Method (Series)
Summary: Tim is a wizard. He also has a lower tolerance for weird megalomaniacs and meddling adults than his friend Harry Potter. This... changes a few things.
AKA Tim goes to Hogwarts AU
Words: 152,997 Works: 2 Ongoing

Title: Dark Matter (Series)
Summary: The last thing Peter sees is Tony's horrified, heartbroken expression leaning over him. The guilt in his eyes is almost worse than the burning pain that's taking Peter apart piece by piece. The world starts to go dark.

There's a flash of gold and green. For one moment, he finds himself standing amongst the Guardians and others. And then darkness again. It feels like blinking; an extended period of nothingness that ends as abruptly as it begins. One moment there’s nothing, the next there’s light.

“Easy,” a woman says. Her words are gentle, and carry a slight accent that he can’t place. "I'm called Wonder Woman. What's your name?"
Words: 130,570 Works: 2 Ongoing

Title: Timothy Jackson Drake-(Addams)-Wayne (Series)
Summary: Tim Drake is the Robin that lives. Everyone knows it.
They don't know quite why that is, though.
Words: 30,148 Works: 9

Title: Steve Rogers: Man out of Time and Place (Series)
Summary: The battle in Siberia does not go as planned. Now Steve Rogers has to face his sentence: Exile to Earth B. Let him be somebody else's problem from now on, according to General Ross. For his part, Steve isn't sure what to make of his new home or its inhabitants, but it's better than camping.
Words: 93,680 Works: 3

Title: Jason and Tim have a Bad Case of Middle Child Syndrome
Summary: Jason and Tim don't care about each other. Saving the other is just an obligation. After all they're family. Fury is almost as annoyed by their denial of caring as he is with their presence in the Marvel Universe. They both want to get back before anyone notices that they're gone, because in all honesty their whole situation is embarrassing. Good thing no one has noticed yet.
Words: 59,804 Chapters: 16 Incomplete

Title: Life Anew
Summary: Connor doesn't realize until four-weeks pass that he is in a different dimension. A dimension that had heroes, abnormal crime-rates, and a new family.

Also, he quickly comes to find out his blood isn't blue anymore.
Words: 110,269 Chapters: 65

Title: The Answer is Silence
Summary: Lord Voldemort might have been the first to know it, but others learned, including the Dursleys, the Hogwarts professors and students, and the Death Eaters: Harry Potter is terrifying.
Words: 40,646 Chapters: 7

Title: The Crownless King
Summary: He didn't know what was worse. That he'd been shot and was bleeding out or that he had been shot and was bleeding out as a result of a toilet paper raid. Shot for a roll of single-ply bog roll.
Words: 40,623 Chapters: 16

Title: Fred Weasley and what in Merlin's name is going on?
In which Fred Weasley paves the path for a very much improved outcome to the whole Voldemort situation. And only about half of it was on accident!
Words: 37,584 Works: 5 Ongoing

Title: Leon Potter
Summary: The moment that Harry’s name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, a stranger appears—a Potter relative that Harry never knew he had. The stranger stands up for Harry, adopts him, and makes sure that no one can touch him. It’s only later that Harry knows why.
Words: 9,229 Chapters: 2

Title: Sarcasm and Slytherin Part 1, Part 2
Separated after the fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort, the Potter twins lived very different lives. Jules is a carbon copy of James Potter at eleven years old. Harry is far too much like a certain Slytherin prodigy for anyone's comfort. They are, inevitably, rivals, but the bonds of blood are strong, and neither can escape the other's influence. Meanwhile, Voldemort is once again on the rise, and Slytherin or Gryffindor, everyone has a choice to make: stand with or against him? And how to know who is really on whose side?
Words: 879,925 Works: 9 Ongoing

Title: The Best
Summary: Cedric demands only the best of himself, and for himself. The best marks in school, the best position on the quidditch team, and the best reputation. When it's time for him to begin dating, he won't settle for less than the best partner, as well.
Words: 84,379 Chapters: 42

Title: Second Chances
Summary: When Voldemort hits Harry with the AK in the forest, they both end up at Kings Cross, and instead of Dumbledore waiting for them, they find themselves faced with Death himself. And Death is not happy.
Words: 110,457 Chapters: 66